Friday, August 23, 2013

Sunday, August 18, 2013

I changed my mind. Here's my new one:

Still learning. Still hoping. Still dancing.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Teaching Democracy, our voices are paramount
Hi Everyone,

His passion. propelled others. to soar

Almost a month ago, a man named Dave passed away while piloting a helicopter with his girlfriend, her father, Dave's best friend, and his best friend's three year old son. I didn't know Dave that well, but his brother Josh is someone dear to me.  When I found out about Dave, it made me question not only my relationship with Josh, but those with all the people I have in my life. Do I say the things I mean to say? Do I do the things I mean to do? Do I withhold the bad and emphasize the good? Do I live the life I'll be proud of 50 years from now?

I had the idea to start this blog after reading a series of 6 word biographies on race. We say so much in life, but we edit too little.  If you could boil your passion down to six words, could you? If you had 3 seconds to read someone else's passion, would you cherish that time and really listen? I thought I'd see. What are your six words?